Ranking, accumulated by season, week and plot.
The member’s portal app allows the different members of an agricultural cooperative to have all the updated information of their plots in a simple way and in real time from their smartphone.
This agricultural app helps the member to display all the detailed information related to: entries, yields per plot, settlements, invoices and notifications from the cooperative.
Ranking, accumulated by season, week and plot.
All the analysis of your plots.
Each type of variety, the campaigns, and the information on the declared area: total entries, KG per HA, settled amount, Euros per HA, settled entries, Euros per KG.
Analyses settlements by variety.
Information and PDF download of the sales documents.
All notifications in real time, showing different aspects such as: general notices, general meetings and much more…
All information about your tickets, plots and settlements, which you can view from any mobile device and from any location.
The partner no longer has to come to the company to request information.
The partner will have all the information updated at all times from the app.
All relevant cooperative notifications and news in real time.
All documents can be downloaded from the smartphone
The information is digital and does not need to be available on paper.